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Signs, Effects, and Testing for AC Refrigerant Leaks

  • By A-1 Finchum
  • 10 Aug, 2023
An air conditioner (AC) leaking refrigerant is a malfunctioning AC that requires prompt diagnosis and repair. Refrigerant leaks have dangerous effects and should not continue for long. You should know when to suspect refrigerant leakage so they can call for professional help. The contractor will diagnose and fix the leak to protect your home and household.

Discernible Signs and Effects

Refrigerant leaks have multiple effects. Some of the effects are noticeable, while others occur silently. Below are some signs and effects to watch out for.

Inefficient Cooling

Refrigerant leaks cause inefficient cooling because the AC lacks adequate refrigerant to absorb the heat. Thus, you should suspect a leakage if the AC takes longer than usual to cool your house. Say you have a smart thermostat and usually start cooling the house on your way home from work. With a refrigerant leakage, your house might not be cool when you get home.

You might also notice the supply registers blowing warm air even with the correct thermostat setting. The AC might run for a long time before cycling off as a normal AC should.

Frozen Coil

The refrigerant coil contains a refrigerant that absorbs heat inside the house. If the refrigerant level falls, the coil won't absorb the heat it should. If that happens, the remaining refrigerant within the coil will get colder and freeze. Thus, you should suspect a refrigerant leak if there is ice on the coil. You might also notice water or moisture near the coil from melting ice.

Increased Energy Bills

Air conditioners run on electricity. The more your AC works, the more electricity it uses. Refrigerant leaks force your AC to run long cycles to cool your house. The long cycles increase electricity consumption, which you might notice when it increases electricity bills after ignoring the leak for a prolonged amount of time.

Impaired Health

AC refrigerants are hydrochlorofluorocarbons that are relatively safe if you use them correctly –if they stay within the cooling system's closed loop. The refrigerant becomes dangerous if it escapes into the environment and contaminates the air you breathe.

According to, serious refrigerant exposure triggers:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Stomach problems
  • Irritations on mucus membranes
  • Headaches
  • Fainting

The severity of the health effects depends on your exposure levels, duration, and current health. Thus, you should suspect refrigerant poisoning if members of your household exhibit such health symptoms.

Testing and Diagnosis

The signs and effects above are good indications of refrigerant leakage. However, you need a professional diagnosis from an AC contractor to confirm your suspicions. Below are professional methods contractors use to test refrigerant leaks.

Visual Inspection

A visual inspection of the AC system, specifically the tubes and coil that carry refrigerant, may reveal significant damages that allow refrigerant to leak. For example, heavily corroded, disconnected, pitted, or cut coils signify damage that allows refrigerant leaks.

Pressure Testing

A visual inspection might not reveal all leaking parts of the AC. Visual inspection also won't reveal pinhole leaks that the naked eye cannot see. Thus, professional contractors use different methods to diagnose leaks.

A common leak-diagnosing method is pressure testing, which detects even the slowest of leaks. To diagnose a leak, the following process is conducted:

  • The contractor brazes the pipes to prevent vibration damage during testing.
  • The contractor disconnects the components they don't need for the test and that might suffer pressure damage (such as relief valves).
  • The contractor charges the system with inert gas to high pressure. The contractor can also use a tracer gas to detect the leaks.

If the test reveals leak points, the contractor will evacuate the refrigerant, repair the leaks, and recharge the refrigerant.

Contact A-1 Finchum Heating and Cooling if you suspect refrigerant leakage. We will diagnose the problem and repair the leak before the damage worsens. We have over 30 years of experience in the HCAV industry and look forward to putting our expertise to use when we service your AC unit.

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